.. _using_xinference: ================ Using Xinference ================ Run Xinference Locally ====================== Let's start by running Xinference on a local machine and running a classic LLM model: ``llama-2-chat``. After this quickstart, you will move on to learning how to deploy Xinference in a cluster environment. Start Local Server ------------------ First, please ensure that you have installed Xinference according to the instructions provided :ref:`here `. To start a local instance of Xinference, run the following command: .. tabs:: .. tab:: shell .. code-block:: bash xinference-local --host --port 9997 .. tab:: output .. code-block:: bash INFO Xinference supervisor started INFO Xinference worker started INFO Starting Xinference at endpoint: INFO Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) .. note:: By default, Xinference uses ``/.xinference`` as home path to store necessary files such as logs and models, where ```` is the home path of current user. You can change this directory by configuring the environment variable ``XINFERENCE_HOME``. For example: .. code-block:: bash XINFERENCE_HOME=/tmp/xinference xinference-local --host --port 9997 Congrats! You now have Xinference running on your local machine. Once Xinference is running, there are multiple ways we can try it: via the web UI, via cURL, via the command line, or via the Xinference's python client. You can visit the web UI at ` `_ and visit ` `_ to inspect the API docs. You can install the Xinference command line tool and Python client using the following command: .. code-block:: bash pip install xinference The command line tool is ``xinference``. You can list the commands that can be used by running: .. tabs:: .. tab:: shell .. code-block:: bash xinference --help .. tab:: output .. code-block:: bash Usage: xinference [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: -v, --version Show the version and exit. --log-level TEXT -H, --host TEXT -p, --port INTEGER --help Show this message and exit. Commands: chat generate launch list register registrations terminate unregister You can install the Xinference Python client with minimal dependencies using the following command. Please ensure that the version of the client matches the version of the Xinference server. .. code-block:: bash pip install xinference-client==${SERVER_VERSION} .. _about_model_engine: About Model Engine ------------------ Since ``v0.11.0`` , before launching the LLM model, you need to specify the inference engine you want to run. Currently, xinference supports the following inference engines: * ``vllm`` * ``sglang`` * ``llama.cpp`` * ``transformers`` About the details of these inference engine, please refer to :ref:`here `. Note that when launching a LLM model, the ``model_format`` and ``quantization`` of the model you want to launch is closely related to the inference engine. You can use ``xinference engine`` command to query the combination of parameters of the model you want to launch. This will demonstrate under what conditions a model can run on which inference engines. For example: #. I would like to query about which inference engines the ``qwen-chat`` model can run on, and what are their respective parameters. .. code-block:: bash xinference engine -e --model-name qwen-chat #. I want to run ``qwen-chat`` with ``VLLM`` as the inference engine, but I don't know how to configure the other parameters. .. code-block:: bash xinference engine -e --model-name qwen-chat --model-engine vllm #. I want to launch the ``qwen-chat`` model in the ``GGUF`` format, and I need to know how to configure the remaining parameters. .. code-block:: bash xinference engine -e --model-name qwen-chat -f ggufv2 In summary, compared to previous versions, when launching LLM models, you need to additionally pass the ``model_engine`` parameter. You can retrieve information about the supported inference engines and their related parameter combinations through the ``xinference engine`` command. Run Llama-2 ----------- Let's start by running a built-in model: ``llama-2-chat``. When you start a model for the first time, Xinference will download the model parameters from HuggingFace, which might take a few minutes depending on the size of the model weights. We cache the model files locally, so there's no need to redownload them for subsequent starts. .. note:: Xinference also allows you to download models from other sites. You can do this by setting an environment variable when launching Xinference. For example, if you want to download models from `modelscope `_, do the following: .. code-block:: bash XINFERENCE_MODEL_SRC=modelscope xinference-local --host --port 9997 We can specify the model's UID using the ``--model-uid`` or ``-u`` flag. If not specified, Xinference will generate a unique ID. This create a new model instance with unique ID ``my-llama-2``: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: bash shell xinference launch --model-engine -u my-llama-2 -n llama-2-chat -s 13 -f pytorch .. code-tab:: bash cURL curl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "model_engine": "", "model_uid": "my-llama-2", "model_name": "llama-2-chat", "model_format": "pytorch", "size_in_billions": 13 }' .. code-tab:: python from xinference.client import RESTfulClient client = RESTfulClient("") model_uid = client.launch_model( model_engine="", model_uid="my-llama-2", model_name="llama-2-chat", model_format="pytorch", size_in_billions=13 ) print('Model uid: ' + model_uid) .. code-tab:: bash output Model uid: my-llama-2 .. note:: For some engines, such as vllm, users need to specify the engine-related parameters when running models. In this case, you can directly specify the parameter name and value in the command line, for example: .. code-block:: bash xinference launch --model-engine vllm -u my-llama-2 -n llama-2-chat -s 13 -f pytorch --gpu_memory_utilization 0.9 `gpu_memory_utilization=0.9` will pass to vllm when launching model. Congrats! You now have ``llama-2-chat`` running by Xinference. Once the model is running, we can try it out either via cURL, or via Xinference's python client: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: bash cURL curl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "model": "my-llama-2", "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant." }, { "role": "user", "content": "What is the largest animal?" } ] }' .. code-tab:: python from xinference.client import RESTfulClient client = RESTfulClient("") model = client.get_model("my-llama-2") model.chat( messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": "Who won the world series in 2020?"} ] ) .. code-tab:: json output { "id": "chatcmpl-8d76b65a-bad0-42ef-912d-4a0533d90d61", "model": "my-llama-2", "object": "chat.completion", "created": 1688919187, "choices": [ { "index": 0, "message": { "role": "assistant", "content": "The largest animal that has been scientifically measured is the blue whale, which has a maximum length of around 23 meters (75 feet) for adult animals and can weigh up to 150,000 pounds (68,000 kg). However, it is important to note that this is just an estimate and that the largest animal known to science may be larger still. Some scientists believe that the largest animals may not have a clear \"size\" in the same way that humans do, as their size can vary depending on the environment and the stage of their life." }, "finish_reason": "None" } ], "usage": { "prompt_tokens": -1, "completion_tokens": -1, "total_tokens": -1 } } Xinference provides OpenAI-compatible APIs for its supported models, so you can use Xinference as a local drop-in replacement for OpenAI APIs. For example: .. code-block:: python from openai import OpenAI client = OpenAI(base_url="", api_key="not used actually") response = client.chat.completions.create( model="my-llama-2", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": "What is the largest animal?"} ] ) print(response) The following OpenAI APIs are supported: - Chat Completions: `https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat `_ - Completions: `https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions `_ - Embeddings: `https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/embeddings `_ Manage Models ------------- In addition to launching models, Xinference offers various ways to manage the entire lifecycle of models. You can manage models in Xinference through the command line, cURL, or Xinference's python client. You can list all models of a certain type that are available to launch in Xinference: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: bash shell xinference registrations -t LLM .. code-tab:: bash cURL curl .. code-tab:: python from xinference.client import RESTfulClient client = RESTfulClient("") print(client.list_model_registrations(model_type='LLM')) The following command gives you the currently running models in Xinference: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: bash shell xinference list .. code-tab:: bash cURL curl .. code-tab:: python from xinference.client import RESTfulClient client = RESTfulClient("") print(client.list_models()) When you no longer need a model that is currently running, you can remove it in the following way to free up the resources it occupies: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: bash shell xinference terminate --model-uid "my-llama-2" .. code-tab:: bash cURL curl -X DELETE .. code-tab:: python from xinference.client import RESTfulClient client = RESTfulClient("") client.terminate_model(model_uid="my-llama-2") Deploy Xinference In a Cluster ============================== To deploy Xinference in a cluster, you need to start a Xinference supervisor on one server and Xinference workers on the other servers. First, make sure you have already installed Xinference on each of the servers according to the instructions provided :ref:`here `. Then follow the steps below: Start the Supervisor -------------------- On the server where you want to run the Xinference supervisor, run the following command: .. code-block:: bash xinference-supervisor -H "${supervisor_host}" Replace ``${supervisor_host}`` with the actual host of your supervisor server. You can the supervisor's web UI at `http://${supervisor_host}:9997/ui `_ and visit `http://${supervisor_host}:9997/docs `_ to inspect the API docs. Start the Workers ----------------- On each of the other servers where you want to run Xinference workers, run the following command: .. code-block:: bash xinference-worker -e "http://${supervisor_host}:9997" -H "${worker_host}" .. note:: Note that you must replace ``${worker_host}`` with the actual host of your worker server. .. note:: Note that if you need to interact with the Xinference in a cluster via the command line, you should include the ``-e`` or ``--endpoint`` flag to specify the supervisor server's endpoint. For example: .. code-block:: bash xinference launch -n llama-2-chat -s 13 -f pytorch -e "http://${supervisor_host}:9997" Using Xinference With Docker ============================= To start Xinference in a Docker container, run the following command: Run On Nvidia GPU Host ----------------------- .. code-block:: bash docker run -e XINFERENCE_MODEL_SRC=modelscope -p 9998:9997 --gpus all xprobe/xinference: xinference-local -H --log-level debug Run On CPU Only Host ----------------------- .. code-block:: bash docker run -e XINFERENCE_MODEL_SRC=modelscope -p 9998:9997 xprobe/xinference:-cpu xinference-local -H --log-level debug Replace ```` with Xinference versions, e.g. ``v0.10.3``, ``latest`` can be used for the latest version. For more docker usage, refer to :ref:`Using Docker Image `. What's Next? ============ Congratulations on getting started with Xinference! To help you navigate and make the most out of this powerful tool, here are some resources and guides: * :ref:`How to Use Client APIs for Different Types of Models ` * :ref:`Choosing the Right Backends for Your Needs `