.. _models_custom: ============= Custom Models ============= Xinference provides a flexible and comprehensive way to integrate, manage, and utilize custom models. Directly launch an existing model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since ``v0.14.0``, you can directly launch an existing model by passing ``model_path`` to the launch interface without downloading it. This way requires that the model's ``model_family`` is among the built-in supported models, and eliminates the hassle of registering the model. For example: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: bash shell xinference launch --model_path --model-engine -n qwen1.5-chat .. code-tab:: bash cURL curl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "model_engine": "", "model_name": "qwen1.5-chat", "model_path": "" }' .. code-tab:: python from xinference.client import RESTfulClient client = RESTfulClient("") model_uid = client.launch_model( model_engine="", model_name="qwen1.5-chat", model_path="" ) print('Model uid: ' + model_uid) The above example demonstrates how to directly launch a qwen1.5-chat model file without registering it. For distributed scenarios, if your model file is on a specific worker, you can directly launch it using the ``worker_ip`` and ``model_path`` parameters with the launch interface. Define a custom LLM model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Define a custom LLM model based on the following template: .. code-block:: json { "version": 1, "context_length": 2048, "model_name": "custom-llama-2-chat", "model_lang": [ "en" ], "model_ability": [ "chat" ], "model_family": "my-llama-2-chat", "model_specs": [ { "model_format": "pytorch", "model_size_in_billions": 7, "quantizations": [ "none" ], "model_uri": "file:///path/to/llama-2-chat" }, { "model_format": "ggufv2", "model_size_in_billions": 7, "quantizations": [ "q4_0", "q8_0" ], "model_file_name_template": "llama-2-chat-7b.{quantization}.gguf" "model_uri": "file:///path/to/gguf-file" } ], "chat_template": "{% if messages[0]['role'] == 'system' %}{% set system_message = '<>\n' + messages[0]['content'] | trim + '\n<>\n\n' %}{% set messages = messages[1:] %}{% else %}{% set system_message = '' %}{% endif %}{% for message in messages %}{% if (message['role'] == 'user') != (loop.index0 % 2 == 0) %}{{ raise_exception('Conversation roles must alternate user/assistant/user/assistant/...') }}{% endif %}{% if loop.index0 == 0 %}{% set content = system_message + message['content'] %}{% else %}{% set content = message['content'] %}{% endif %}{% if message['role'] == 'user' %}{{ '' + '[INST] ' + content | trim + ' [/INST]' }}{% elif message['role'] == 'assistant' %}{{ ' ' + content | trim + ' ' + '' }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}", "stop_token_ids": [2], "stop": [] } * model_name: A string defining the name of the model. The name must start with a letter or a digit and can only contain letters, digits, underscores, or dashes. * context_length: context_length: An optional integer that specifies the maximum context size the model was trained to accommodate, encompassing both the input and output lengths. If not defined, the default value is 2048 tokens (~1,500 words). * model_lang: A list of strings representing the supported languages for the model. Example: ["en"], which means that the model supports English. * model_ability: A list of strings defining the abilities of the model. It could include options like "embed", "generate", and "chat". In this case, the model has the ability to "generate". * model_family: A required string representing the family of the model you want to register. This parameter must not conflict with any builtin model names. * model_specs: An array of objects defining the specifications of the model. These include: * model_format: A string that defines the model format, like "pytorch" or "ggufv2". * model_size_in_billions: An integer defining the size of the model in billions of parameters. * quantizations: A list of strings defining the available quantizations for the model. For PyTorch models, it could be "4-bit", "8-bit", or "none". For ggufv2 models, the quantizations should correspond to values that work with the ``model_file_name_template``. * model_id: A string representing the model ID, possibly referring to an identifier used by Hugging Face. **If model_uri is missing, Xinference will try to download the model from the huggingface repository specified here.**. * model_uri: A string representing the URI where the model can be loaded from, such as "file:///path/to/llama-2-7b". **When the model format is ggufv2, model_uri must be the specific file path. When the model format is pytorch, model_uri must be the path to the directory containing the model files.** If model URI is absent, Xinference will try to download the model from Hugging Face with the model ID. * model_file_name_template: Required by gguf models. An f-string template used for defining the model file name based on the quantization. **Note that this field is just a template for the format of the ggufv2 model file, do not fill in the specific path of the model file.** * chat_template: If ``model_ability`` includes ``chat`` , you must configure this option to generate the correct full prompt during chat. This is a Jinja template string. Usually, you can find it in the ``tokenizer_config.json`` file within the model directory. * stop_token_ids: If ``model_ability`` includes ``chat`` , you can configure this option to control when the model stops during chat. This is a list of integers, and you can typically extract the corresponding values from the ``generation_config.json`` or ``tokenizer_config.json`` file in the model directory. * stop: If ``model_ability`` includes ``chat`` , you can configure this option to control when the model stops during chat. This is a list of strings, and you can typically extract the corresponding values from the ``generation_config.json`` or ``tokenizer_config.json`` file in the model directory. Define a custom embedding model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Define a custom embedding model based on the following template: .. code-block:: json { "model_name": "custom-bge-base-en", "dimensions": 768, "max_tokens": 512, "language": ["en"], "model_id": "BAAI/bge-base-en", "model_uri": "file:///path/to/bge-base-en" } * model_name: A string defining the name of the model. The name must start with a letter or a digit and can only contain letters, digits, underscores, or dashes. * dimensions: A integer that specifies the embedding dimensions. * max_tokens: A integer that represents the max sequence length that the embedding model supports. * language: A list of strings representing the supported languages for the model. Example: ["en"], which means that the model supports English. * model_id: A string representing the model ID, possibly referring to an identifier used by Hugging Face. * model_uri: A string representing the URI where the model can be loaded from, such as "file:///path/to/your_model". If model URI is absent, Xinference will try to download the model from Hugging Face with the model ID. Define a custom Rerank model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Define a custom rerank model based on the following template: .. code-block:: json { "model_name": "custom-bge-reranker-v2-m3", "type": "normal", "language": ["en", "zh", "multilingual"], "model_id": "BAAI/bge-reranker-v2-m3", "model_uri": "file:///path/to/bge-reranker-v2-m3" } * model_name: A string defining the name of the model. The name must start with a letter or a digit and can only contain letters, digits, underscores, or dashes. * type: A string defining the type of the model, including ``normal``, ``LLM-based`` and ``LLM-based layerwise``. * language: A list of strings representing the supported languages for the model. Example: ["en"], which means that the model supports English. * model_id: A string representing the model ID, possibly referring to an identifier used by Hugging Face. * model_uri: A string representing the URI where the model can be loaded from, such as "file:///path/to/your_model". If model URI is absent, Xinference will try to download the model from Hugging Face with the model ID. Register a Custom Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Register a custom model programmatically: .. code-block:: python import json from xinference.client import Client with open('model.json') as fd: model = fd.read() # replace with real xinference endpoint endpoint = 'http://localhost:9997' client = Client(endpoint) client.register_model(model_type="", model=model, persist=False) Or via CLI: .. code-block:: bash xinference register --model-type --file model.json --persist Note that replace the ```` above with ``LLM``, ``embedding`` or ``rerank``. The same as below. List the Built-in and Custom Models ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List built-in and custom models programmatically: .. code-block:: python registrations = client.list_model_registrations(model_type="") Or via CLI: .. code-block:: bash xinference registrations --model-type Launch the Custom Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Launch the custom model programmatically: .. code-block:: python uid = client.launch_model(model_name='custom-llama-2', model_format='pytorch') Or via CLI: .. code-block:: bash xinference launch --model-name custom-llama-2 --model-format pytorch Interact with the Custom Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Invoke the model programmatically: .. code-block:: python model = client.get_model(model_uid=uid) model.generate('What is the largest animal in the world?') Result: .. code-block:: json { "id":"cmpl-a4a9d9fc-7703-4a44-82af-fce9e3c0e52a", "object":"text_completion", "created":1692024624, "model":"43e1f69a-3ab0-11ee-8f69-fa163e74fa2d", "choices":[ { "text":"\nWhat does an octopus look like?\nHow many human hours has an octopus been watching you for?", "index":0, "logprobs":"None", "finish_reason":"stop" } ], "usage":{ "prompt_tokens":10, "completion_tokens":23, "total_tokens":33 } } Or via CLI, replace ``${UID}`` with real model UID: .. code-block:: bash xinference generate --model-uid ${UID} Unregister the Custom Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unregister the custom model programmatically: .. code-block:: python model = client.unregister_model(model_type="", model_name='custom-llama-2') Or via CLI: .. code-block:: bash xinference unregister --model-type --model-name custom-llama-2