Custom Models#

Xinference provides a flexible and comprehensive way to integrate, manage, and utilize custom models.

Define a custom LLM model#

Define a custom LLM model based on the following template:

  "version": 1,
  "context_length": 2048,
  "model_name": "custom-llama-2",
  "model_lang": [
  "model_ability": [
  "model_family": "llama-2",
  "model_specs": [
      "model_format": "pytorch",
      "model_size_in_billions": 7,
      "quantizations": [
      "model_id": "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf",
      "model_uri": "file:///path/to/llama-2-7b-hf"
      "model_format": "ggmlv3",
      "model_size_in_billions": 7,
      "quantizations": [
      "model_id": "TheBloke/Llama-2-7B-GGML",
      "model_file_name_template": "llama-2-7b.ggmlv3.{quantization}.bin"
      "model_uri": "file:///path/to/ggml-file"
  • model_name: A string defining the name of the model. The name must start with a letter or a digit and can only contain letters, digits, underscores, or dashes.

  • context_length: context_length: An optional integer that specifies the maximum context size the model was trained to accommodate, encompassing both the input and output lengths. If not defined, the default value is 2048 tokens (~1,500 words).

  • model_lang: A list of strings representing the supported languages for the model. Example: [“en”], which means that the model supports English.

  • model_ability: A list of strings defining the abilities of the model. It could include options like “embed”, “generate”, and “chat”. In this case, the model has the ability to “generate”.

  • model_family: A required string representing the family of the model you want to register. The optional values are the model names of all built-in models. If the model family you register is not among the built-in models in Xinference, please fill in other. Note that you should choose the model family based on the ability of the model you want to register. For example, if you want to register the llama-2 model, do not fill in llama-2-chat as the model family.

  • model_specs: An array of objects defining the specifications of the model. These include:
    • model_format: A string that defines the model format, could be “pytorch” or “ggmlv3”.

    • model_size_in_billions: An integer defining the size of the model in billions of parameters.

    • quantizations: A list of strings defining the available quantizations for the model. For PyTorch models, it could be “4-bit”, “8-bit”, or “none”. For ggmlv3 models, the quantizations should correspond to values that work with the model_file_name_template.

    • model_id: A string representing the model ID, possibly referring to an identifier used by Hugging Face. If model_uri is missing, Xinference will try to download the model from the huggingface repository specified here..

    • model_uri: A string representing the URI where the model can be loaded from, such as “file:///path/to/llama-2-7b”. When the model format is ggmlv3 or ggufv2, model_uri must be the specific file path. When the model format is pytorch, model_uri must be the path to the directory containing the model files. If model URI is absent, Xinference will try to download the model from Hugging Face with the model ID.

    • model_file_name_template: Required by ggml/gguf models. An f-string template used for defining the model file name based on the quantization. Note that this field is just a template for the format of the ggmlv3/ggufv2 model file, do not fill in the specific path of the model file.

  • prompt_style: If the model_family field is not other, this field does not need to be filled in. prompt_style is an optional field that could be required by chat models to define the style of prompts. The given example has this set to None, but additional details could be found in a referenced file xinference/model/llm/tests/ You can also specify this field as a string, which will use the builtin prompt style in Xinference. For example:

    "model_specs": [...],
    "prompt_style": "chatglm3"

Xinference supports these builtin prompt styles in common usage:

  "style_name": "NO_COLON_TWO",
  "system_prompt": "",
  "roles": [
    " <reserved_102> ",
    " <reserved_103> "
  "intra_message_sep": "",
  "inter_message_sep": "</s>",
  "stop_token_ids": [

The above lists some commonly used built-in prompt styles. The full list of supported prompt styles can be found on the Xinference web UI.

Define a custom embedding model#

Define a custom embedding model based on the following template:

    "model_name": "custom-bge-base-en",
    "dimensions": 768,
    "max_tokens": 512,
    "language": ["en"],
    "model_id": "BAAI/bge-base-en",
    "model_uri": "file:///path/to/bge-base-en"
  • model_name: A string defining the name of the model. The name must start with a letter or a digit and can only contain letters, digits, underscores, or dashes.

  • dimensions: A integer that specifies the embedding dimensions.

  • max_tokens: A integer that represents the max sequence length that the embedding model supports.

  • language: A list of strings representing the supported languages for the model. Example: [“en”], which means that the model supports English.

  • model_id: A string representing the model ID, possibly referring to an identifier used by Hugging Face.

  • model_uri: A string representing the URI where the model can be loaded from, such as “file:///path/to/your_model”. If model URI is absent, Xinference will try to download the model from Hugging Face with the model ID.

Register a Custom Model#

Register a custom model programmatically:

import json
from xinference.client import Client

with open('model.json') as fd:
    model =

# replace with real xinference endpoint
endpoint = 'http://localhost:9997'
client = Client(endpoint)
client.register_model(model_type="<model_type>", model=model, persist=False)

Or via CLI:

xinference register --model-type <model_type> --file model.json --persist

Note that replace the <model_type> above with LLM or embedding. The same as below.

List the Built-in and Custom Models#

List built-in and custom models programmatically:

registrations = client.list_model_registrations(model_type="<model_type>")

Or via CLI:

xinference registrations --model-type <model_type>

Launch the Custom Model#

Launch the custom model programmatically:

uid = client.launch_model(model_name='custom-llama-2', model_format='pytorch')

Or via CLI:

xinference launch --model-name custom-llama-2 --model-format pytorch

Interact with the Custom Model#

Invoke the model programmatically:

model = client.get_model(model_uid=uid)
model.generate('What is the largest animal in the world?')


         "text":"\nWhat does an octopus look like?\nHow many human hours has an octopus been watching you for?",

Or via CLI, replace ${UID} with real model UID:

xinference generate --model-uid ${UID}

Unregister the Custom Model#

Unregister the custom model programmatically:

model = client.unregister_model(model_type="<model_type>", model_name='custom-llama-2')

Or via CLI:

xinference unregister --model-type <model_type> --model-name custom-llama-2